Berkeley Passes Right to Know Ordinance!

News stories on the Berkeley Right to Know Ordinance

Kids do better in schools that ban smart phones

The Baby Safe Project

Los Angeles Police Join Firefighters in Opposing Cell Towers, City Council Votes to Suspend LA-RICS Cell Tower Project

Princeton University removes Wi-Fi safety statement

LA County Firefighters Local 1014 Fighting Cell Towers (see short video)

American Academy of Environmental Medicine Opposes Wi-Fi in Schools

Maryland county approves school cell tower moratorium

Maryland City Votes Unanimously To Alert Citizens to the Health Risks of Cell Phone/Wireless Radiation and To Oppose Cell Towers on School Grounds

Video report on visit to Acting Surgeon General’s office to discuss wireless radiation hazards

Turn It Off 4 Kids Initiative

Hempstead, NY telecom ordinance calls for 1,500 foot setback to a residential home, house of worship, day care center or school

Dept. of Interior Attacks FCC regarding Adverse Impact of Cell Tower Radiation on Wildlife

Dept. of Interior letter to the FCC — full text including scientific documentation

CDC Calls for Caution on Cell Phones, Then Gets Cold Feet: First Federal Agency To Acknowledge Risk Soon Backs Down

Portland Public Schools Complaint and Declarations regarding the school system’s plan to have wifi throughout the schools. This site contains highly informative documents about the threat to our children’s health from wifi in the schools (a trend that is now being reversed in more progressive countries who tried it and found serious health impacts). Especially see the Declaration by Dr. Magda Havas.

City of Glendale, California, municipal code regarding cell tower locations — widely regarded as a model for other cities

Church pulls plug on plan for AT&T cell tower. Pastor takes the high road after neighborhood outcry, stating “We are saddened at the strife this has caused. We are people of peace.”

Fairfield Grace suspends lease negotiations with cell carrier company, invites community to help clarify law. More on the above case where a church chose to respect its community over the desire for more money.

Tampa City Council public testimony on International Association of Fire Fighters ban on cell towers

Pennsylvania judge holds that corporations are not “persons” under the Pennsylvania constitution

Short video demonstrating the power of the telecom industry to seize the narrative and shape public attitudes–viewer discretion advised


Israel Bans WiFi in Kindergartens

International Appeal: Scientists call for Protection from Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Field Exposure

Computers ‘do not improve’ pupil results, says OECD

Canadian Parliament Committee Calls for Protection of Vulnerable Groups from Wireless Radiation Exposure

International EMF Scientist Appeal to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Worldwide new stories on the International EMF Scientist Appeal

Government of India to fund research on cell tower and phone radiation effects on human health

Danish school girls’ experiment shows Wi-Fi stunts plant growth

WiFi effects on plant growth

Blood tests used to thwart tower plans

Mumbai backlash against cell towers in public spaces

City in India decides to relocate 300 cell towers from residential areas due to health risks

Ontario Catholic teachers’ union recommends pulling plug on Wi-Fi in schools

France law bans Wi-Fi in daycares, restricts wireless infrastructure

Declaration: Scientists call for Protection from Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure

International Precautionary Actions that Protect Children. Listing of actions in other countries to protect children.

European Citizens Initiative on Electromagnetic Radiation. This Initiative calls for full application of the Precautionary Principle. The Initiative will be presented to the European Commission in April 2015.

World Health Organization Classifies Electromagnetic Fields as Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans

Radiofrequency (RF) Fields: Possibly, Probably, or Definitely Carcinogenic — The Evidence Mounts Toward the Latter — Excellent discussion of the progression of data since the WHO’s initial classification of EMR as a “2B” (possible) carcinogen, leading to the recommendation to re-classify as “2A” (probable) or “1” (definite) carcinogen.

Taiwan dismantles 1,500 cell phone base stations to protect neighborhoods and schools

Three reports on city and court actions in India to protect citizens from cell tower radiation

Resources for immediate release:

View the AT&T/Crossfire Tower application