Friends of Amazon Creek
We are a network of neighbors who appreciate the natural environmental values of Eugene and all of Lane County. We organize to oppose the incremental degradation of sensitive ecosystems and to preserve the character of surrounding residential neighborhoods.
Originally formed to fight the inappropriate siting of microwave-emitting telecommunication equipment near homes, schools, and sensitive ecosystems, our mission also includes raising public awareness of other threats to the environment and quality of life. We recognize the real threats posed by science denial and disinformation strategies used against the public.
We advocate science-based policy and collaborative planning over policies and planning driven by ignorance and greed.
We invite you to join this effort by contributing your ideas, helping to mobilize friends and neighbors, participating in discussions and planning meetings, and donating to help cover legal costs when needed. Our steering committee includes public health researchers, environmental advocates, neighborhood activists, educators, urban and rural dwellers. Steering committee members include William Collinge (chair), Jane Katra, Maurya Kaarhus, Mona Linstromberg, Dennis Hebert, Cindy Allen, Karin Almquist and Kari Powell.
Roadmap of our goals:
- Preserve Lane County Code: 1200 foot separation of towers from homes and schools.
- Update Eugene City Code: No microwave-emitting telecommunication equipment allowed in residential neighborhoods or near schools, parks or sensitive natural areas.
- State legislation calling for overhauling the outdated 1996 Telecommunications Act.
- Congressional action overhauling and modernizing the Telecommunications Act with safety standards for non-ionizing radiation, accountability, and restoring local governance.
Amazon Creek Natural Area
The City of Eugene has designated the Amazon Creek corridor as a Natural Area within the Eugene Parks and Natural Areas system: “These areas support a wide diversity of plants and wildlife, including many endangered and rare species. These areas also provide valuable ecosystem services… and many other important functions that benefit our community.”
Amazon Creek itself is also a designated Waterway: “Waterways, including creeks, rivers and ponds, provide unique important habitat for a wide variety of wildlife species, including neotropical migratory birds, Western pond turtles, beaver, river otter, and even threatened Chinook salmon. Waterways in Eugene are great places to watch wildlife, to go for a paddle, to have a picnic, or to walk, run, bike, or skate along the many miles of trails. These are also areas where you can volunteer to plant trees, monitor wildlife, or check water levels… Waterways are managed for multiple objectives, including… natural resource values and recreation.”
Click to learn more about the Eugene Natural Areas system.
River Spies! Edison Elementary School’s Program Studying Amazon Creek
In the River Spies program, students “spy” upon our local watershed and become active participants of a storm water retrofit monitoring project. Students investigate water quality along the Amazon Creek, search for aquatic macroinvertebrates, and examine sources of stream pollution. They also explore water cycles, properties of water, filtration, and watershed formation in several experiments and activities. More information on the River Spies program can be found at: